Grasshopper was adopted Saturday, June 11, 2022!
Meet Grasshopper, a loving boy enlivened by the love of people! We received an owner surrender request in March 2022 involving a momma kitty and her five newborn kittens. While the owner could not authenticate pedigree, each member of the adorable family – including the father, who the owner did not surrender to our rescue – was Birman. Birmans are a breed of kitties originating from Myanmar. They feature ear and facial color points, blue eyes, and silky coats. What distinguishes Birmans from Siamese are their white “gloves.” We were delighted to accept this beautiful family into our foster care program.

At 8-months-old when surrendered, the mother kitty, Junebug, radiated serenity and sweetness and was the perfect mommy to her five identical kittens – Mantis, Grasshopper, Katydid, Cicada, and Weevil. Cheerful Grasshopper was blessed with a jovial nature and adores human attention and affection. He’ll jump in your lap, squirming and wriggling until you scratch his belly and love him up. He’s motored and motivated by purr power, and when you pick him up, he’ll melt into your chest, content as can be. You can’t ask for a better sidekick than Grasshopper. He’s pleased to sit or lay with you (or on you!) when you rest, ensuring you’ll never feel lonely while he’s around.

Grasshopper is available for adoption now as a solo kitty. However, we welcome adopters interested in adopting two siblings together. If you’d like to adopt this cheery little guy on his own or with one of his siblings, fill out our adoption application today!