Application Status: Squirrel currently has 0 prospective adoption applicants. Hi! I’m Squirrel! I was given the name because of my unique and beautiful coloring. I am such a sweet kitty and I love to play all around the house with my siblings and my mom Sloane. I love toys and my absolute favorite toy is […]
Cats Available for Adoption

Kin – Adult Male
Meet Kin! His previous owner no longer wanted him. They gave Big Bear shelter staff a million excuses in April 2024, painting this handsome, well-mannered 2-year-old stunner of a black panther in the most unflattering colors. Their portrait of him bore NO resemblance to the fantastic boy we’ve grown to know and love. Despite his […]

Denver – Young Female
Meet Denver! This spunky sweetheart was approximately two months old when she and her sisters Tallahassee, Dallas, and Charlotte Ann waited for someone to adopt them from Devore Animal Shelter in June 2024. However, when they got sick and were added to the euthanasia list, Kitty Devore Rescue swooped in and welcomed them all to […]

Hawk – Adult Male
Meet Hawk, the sweetest little guy with a personality as unique as his adorable mohawk! His incredibly soft fur and big heart make him the ultimate cuddle buddy, and he’ll purr up a storm as soon as you pick him up. Hawk is the best of both worlds—independent yet always ready for snuggles with his […]

Devlin – Adult Male
Meet Devlin! This outgoing “cow kitty” was approximately 1.5 years old when he entered Kitty Devore foster care in May 2023 after his rescue from Devore Shelter. Devlin‘s spirit purrs with a thrumming incentive to explore, investigate, and engage with everything his environment offers. Relentlessly inquisitive, his time spent lounging on your lap will always be […]

Taco – Adult Male
Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas kittens […]
Who We Are
Kitty Devore Rescue was formed in December 2011 as an all-volunteer Southern California area nonprofit charity and 501(c)(3) foster-based rescue group. Rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming the cats and kittens admitted to Devore Animal Shelter in San Bernardino, CA, and cats within Devore Shelter’s jurisdiction at risk of surrender to the shelter endures as our sole mission.
Only an average of 8 to 10 cats out of every 100 admitted to Devore Animal Shelter made it out alive when we began our mission. Now, over a decade later, and thanks to our efforts, the efforts of our rescue partners and other non-affiliated rescue groups who joined the mission, the save rate for cats admitted to Devore is approximately 90%.
Most Kitty Devore Rescue members work full-time jobs, care for families, manage homes, attend school as students, and pursue other life endeavors. These responsibilities pull at us constantly, and yet, every day, we devote time and energy to constructing rescue plans to save these kitties. We direct all adoption and donation funding to our rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Not a day passes that another cat, and often several, find themselves admitted to the shelter. Rescue work poses numerous challenges, but we consider ourselves up to the task on behalf of the fantastic feline lives saved. Our work endures as a labor of love, determination, and, for many Kitty Devore Rescue members, a vocation.
We do not have a facility. All the cats taken into Kitty Devore Rescue’s foster care program reside in the homes of our foster guardian members in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties, as well as Seattle, WA until they are adopted. The number of foster homes is limited as there are always more animals in need than people are willing to help them. We do our best with what we have and have to give. Join us!

We are not Animal Control and cannot visit homes to round up or trap stray cats.

Meeting Your Kids
A swipe of a paw or pull of a tail can set a bad tone between your children and their new friend. Here are a few tips for introducing your kitty to your kids that will help make the transition for the newest addition to your family stress-free. Sure, your new kitty will be furry […]

FIV – Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
WHAT IS FIV? FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) should NOT be confused with FeLV (Feline Leukemia) – they are two very different viruses. They are often mentioned together due to the ‘snap’ tests carried out by vets, but they differ greatly in how they affect a cat, and it’s expected lifespan. FeLV is a serious risk […]

Help! – I Found A Litter Of Kittens
We’re contacted regularly by people who have found a kitten or a litter of kittens and want us to take them. While it’s a little less challenging to find placements for kittens who are 4 weeks and older, trying to find a foster parent who can care for kittens 0 to 4 weeks old is […]

Bathing Your Cat
Cats are notoriously associated with a very strong dislike for water, which may lead us to believe that they can care for all of their grooming needs on their own, but that’s a MYTH! Sometimes cats need baths, too! As we all know, cats come in all shapes and sizes and with different personalities and […]

Meeting New Canine Friends
Despite what some believe, some cats and dogs really can get along very well. In fact, sometimes they can become the best of friends. However, if your kitty has never been around dogs before or if your dog has never been around cats before or if your dog is a terrier, retriever or breed known […]

Keep the Cat – Lose the Allergies
You may be surprised to learn one of the most common reasons why kitties come back to Kitty Devore Rescue’s foster care program after being adopted is due to someone in the adoptive family discovering they have an allergic reaction to cats that they weren’t aware of previously. It’s also the number one reason why […]

Meeting the Established Pride
Whether you realize it or not, if you have multiple cats in your home already, they have established their own “kitty hierarchy”. There is one cat who is the boss of the pride and every other cat falls in line somewhere below them on the kitty totem pole. When a new cat is introduced into […]

Multi-Cat Households and the Kitty Totem Pole
Cats are territorial creatures. In the wild, a cat will determine his home base – the place he eats and sleeps – and then project outward from this space to encompass a range around it that he’ll consider as belonging to him. All within that territory – especially all food sources – he considers his […]

Understanding Feline Language
You and your cat might speak different languages, but you can still communicate with each other. Here are some tips to understand what they’re saying to you by means of vocalizing, body language and other key behavioral clues. Vocalizing You’ll learn a lot when you can interpret your cat’s wide vocabulary of chirps and meows. […]