O’Grady was adopted June 5, 2023!
My name is O’Grady, and I was rescued from Devore Shelter in San Bernardino in June of 2022. At the time, I was 1½ years old. I weigh about 10 lbs, but I look bigger. I’m long and lean with practically prehensile toes and an inquisitive face like a barn owl. Like most Irishmen, I possess the gift of gab, so let me tell you a few things about myself.

Fair warning in advance – I do not enjoy having my toenails trimmed and can get a little bitey about that. If you leave my toenails to the professionals, we’ll get along great! Yet, I do enjoy nibbling, so don’t be alarmed if, when you’re preparing my dinner, I lightly nibble up and down your bare leg like it’s a cob of corn. Some might describe me as clingy, but I have a big heart and love humans. If you’re leaving a room, I might hang onto your leg like a bear cub. It’s my way of enticing you to stay. I do enjoy time spent with other kitties. My foster home boasts a few. I play with my new kitty friend, Jaina, and even though she’s pretty tiny, I am extremely gentle with her (but she lies about me and claims she’s being murdered). We have a terrific time racing from one end of the house to the other. Given how spirited I am and my boundless energy, my ideal home would include another feline friend or two.

While I’m not much of a lap cat, being close to you is imperative to my overall well-being. If I realize you’re in another part of the house, you’ll soon hear the little bell on my collar tags as I come running. I’m a precious, loving kitty, who would love nothing more than my own forever home, where I will keep you company, and we can share our philosophies of life. Again, the name’s O’Grady. Please fill out an adoption application for me today at www.kittydevorerescue.org!