Windsor and her two kittens and sister, Suzy, found themselves admitted to Devore Shelter in May of 2018. In some ways, this was actually a blessing in disguise. Not only did we rescue the entire family but, post rescue, discovered Winnie’s collar had embedded itself into her fur, preventing her from grooming herself, and she needed the help of humans to remove it.
At the time of her rescue, Winnie was estimated to be a year old and she still retains that kitten-esque energy. She’s amazingly playful, adores rolling around, wrestling with her fellow foster kitties and will happily consent to all the belly rubs she can get. She gets along very well with other kitties and is friendly with the dog of he house, too. She’s a little shy when she first encounters new humans but once she’s given the chance to develop trust, this petite Maine Coon mix will reveal her true self.
Windsor was adopted on August24, 2019!