Virgil was adopted Saturday, January 8, 2022!
“Look with favor upon a bold beginning.” wrote the legendary Roman poet, Virgil. Our Virgil found his way to Kitty Devore Rescue by just such a beginning: a plea from a woman who feared for his life, felt he was in danger, and begged us to take him into our care. We did. Foster mom, Aileen, was quite surprised to find a full-grown adult about a year old when she arrived to pick him up in October of 2021. We’d been led to believe he was much younger than he turned out to be. We’d been sent a photo of a kitten. Bold, indeed!

Like his namesake, Virgil has much to say. He’s a master orator, making profound proclamations as well as engaging small talk. His wit is unparalleled. He can be quite enigmatic. One minute he’s indifferent toward you, only to suddenly become infatuated with your presence and demanding of attention and affection the next. Don’t be fooled though – once you’ve become an object of fascination for him, his affection endures!

Like the Romans once did, he loves lounging on a favorite couch. If he’s surrounded by female kitties, he’s quite the charmer. He does not, however, appreciate the competition of other males. He’s outgoing, gregarious, and an observer – as most who recount tales of the human condition often are.
“Love conquers all things, so we too shall yield to love.” the lauded wordsmith wrote in his first major work, Eclogues, in 37 B.C.E. It’s sage advice, so don’t delay – fill out an adoption application for Virgil today!