Hello, my name is Valentina. In October of 2018, when I was about 3 years old, I wound up at Devore Shelter. It definitely wasn’t somewhere I’d ever want to be again. Thankfully, I was rescued. Although I love my foster home and family, I’m ready to find my forever people.
I am a beautiful black kitty with big yellow eyes. My most unique feature though is my adorable bobbed tail. My foster mom says it looks like a bunny tail. Another adorable thing about me – my meows can sometimes sound like little squeaks.
My name means “healthy, strong and brave”. I am all of these things and more! I’m cautious when encountering new surroundings but I quickly adapt if I feel comfortable and safe. I love belly rubs, hugs, and attention. I don’t mind being held. I love to lay next to people or climb into their warm laps. I get along pretty well with other kitties and dogs – as long as they don’t try to chase me. I’m also comfortable around children of all ages.
Valentina was adopted February 2, 2019!