Our mom was a semi-friendly street cat who, in June of 2018, had trouble during labor. My foster mom heard us crying in her yard and came to our rescue. Unfortunately, despite rushing her to the emergency vet, she was not able to save our mom. Since then, we’ve had a very pampered life. Our foster mom bottle fed us and because we were bottle babies, we love affection and being held. We also purr a lot.

Quincy Jones: I’m a “paws on” kind of brown tabby guy and I don’t hesitate to investigate new things right away. I’m very adventurous. I love to romp around and play with my sister, Iris. I don’t know what I’d do without her. We love to run around and play puffy-tailed hide and tackle, playing with our kitty toys, and chasing the laser pointer. I really like taking cat naps after I’ve worn myself out playing. Sometimes if I don’t like the food in my bowl I’ll “scratch” the air and the ground around it. I wave a lot too, especially if I want attention.

Sweet Iris: Unlike my brother and best friend, I’m a little more reserved at first and I take my time investigating things. I believe that’s because I’ve got regal Siamese in me. I love to play with Quincy and especially enjoy chasing and tackling him with our tails puffed up. Sometimes I even beat him when we wrestle which I think is cool since he outweighs me. I have been caught chasing my tail on many occasions. I really like toys I can hold and kick. There’s this red dot that sometimes appears. I can’t figure it out, I chase it all over the place but I never seem to catch it. Aside from playing, I really enjoy cat nap time snuggled up with my brother.
We grew up around other cats of different ages and we’ve had lots of visit time with people. We have only met dogs at the vet office and are not really sure how we feel about them because they’re kind of crazy. We would be comfortable in just about any home – as long as we’re together.
Sweet Iris and Qunicy Jones were adopted together on November 15, 2018!