Hi, my name is Ralphy. I am a total and complete mama’s boy. I may be skittish, but I will typically spend my time either walking between your feet or rubbing on your ankles. If not, I will be chirping at you, asking to be petted. I’m a total sucker for face rubs and full body massages. Please don’t ignore me, or I may nibble on your toes.
I don’t like loud noises or unexpected fast movements. Though I may hide, I will always come back to love up on you some more. I’m not a lap cat, and I don’t like to be held; however, I will hang out with you and watch TV or chill up on the bed at bedtime. I’m a super big helper when it comes to getting ready in the morning. Need any help getting out your clothes? I will be your personal stylist.
I absolutely love other kitties and make feline friends very very quickly. I would not do well around dogs or small children. But if you have a lonely kitty that needs a friend, I’m your guy!
Ralphy has been adopted!