My name is Kuro. My name means “black” in Japanese. As you can see, I’m a gorgeous panther girl with great big and soulful amber eyes. I was rescued by Kitty Devore Rescue back in March of 2017 when I was just a teeny, tiny baby. I was fortunate that I never had to experience the inside of a shelter. I’ve grown up in the safety and comfort provided by my amazing foster family.
I’m an extremely playful girl. My favorite toys are balls with bells. If you hear what sounds like a herd of elephants running through the house, that’s just me playing chase with my foster sister, Jabbers, and anybody else who wants to join in the fun! I also love treats, cats, treats, dogs, treats, cuddles, treats, laps and treats. I also really, really love treats! I do have manners though. I am always very polite and patient (except when waiting for treats). I am not overly fond of being picked up but if you let me, I will curl up next to you at night. I will also sleep in a kitty bed, if that’s what you would prefer. I’m also very good about using the litter box.
Kuro was adopted February 5, 2019!