Hugin along with his mom, Jinna, and 3 brothers were all rescued from Devore Shelter in April of 2017. At the time of their rescue, the boys were all tiny babies and each one of them has grown into healthy young warriors. In fact, their foster mom named them after four Norse heroes and spirit animals. According to Scandinavian legend, Hugin and Munin were a pair of ravens that flew all over the world, bringing information and news to the Norse god, Thor. His name means “thought”.
Sleek as a raven’s wing, Hugin is as handsome as can be. He’s playful little guy who loves to climb high up and perch in his kitty tree. When he wants to get back down on the ground, his way of doing so is almost acrobatic. Hugin enjoys seeking out new adventures but he’s also very soft, snuggly and loves to cuddle with his people. It’s rare that you’ll find him not purring! He’s a social little guy – both with other cats, dogs, children and adults. He loves to be held.
Hugin is an amazing, magical and loving little guy so don’t delay! Hugin has been adopted!