Floki along with his mom, Jinna, and 3 brothers were all rescued from Devore Shelter in April of 2017. At the time of their rescue, the boys were all tiny babies and each one of them has grown into healthy young warriors. In fact, their foster mom named them after four Norse heroes. In Old Norse, Floki means “outspoken, enterprising man”.
And just as his name suggests, Floki, like most Siamese kitties, loves to talk and has much to say! Floki of Norse legend was also a bit of a trickster – and true to his name, our Floki is quite clever and loves to play. Amiable and good natured, Floki gets along well with other cats of all ages, dogs and children as well. His foster mom says he’s also quite the snuggler!
This spirited guy would do well with other kitties to play with and with a family who big on affection and enjoys chatty cats. If you are interested in adopting Floki, don’t delay! Floki has been adopted!