Clyde was adopted Friday, September 6, 2024!
We welcomed Clyde into KD foster care in February 2024. At eight years old, we considered Clyde a mature adult upon entering our foster program. The very first thing on the agenda was a visit to our vet for a comprehensive check-up, snap testing, booster vaccines, spay/neuter confirmation, and a senior blood panel. The last is vital for incoming late middle-aged and senior kitties. They may look perfectly healthy, but bloodwork will tell us if there are any underlying issues we should be aware of and, if possible, treat. We are pleased to say Clyde‘s bloodwork was stellar! However, his teeth need some attention and three extractions. Clyde underwent a dental cleaning and had his bad teeth pulled. Now, he’s in tip-top shape and ready for her new forever home.

Handsome Clyde boasts a high level of self-esteem and confidence, and, fair warning, he’s one of those guys who likes to let everyone know whose boss of the joint. If you’ve got a kitty tree, he’ll climb straight to the tippy top to survey all his underlings below. Still, this charming fellow isn’t above a good tail chase and moments of sheer silliness. He’s chatty, especially when he’s bored and wants to play. He also enjoys sunbathing at every window sill, and one of his favorite Cat TV programs entails watching the squirrels run up and down the trees just beyond his reach. A good-natured kitty who will happily curl up at your feet at night, Clyde flourishes in the company of people and is patient with children, but he’s not a fan of other male cats or dogs.

Clyde‘s your man if you’re looking for an all-around great guy to share your life with. To apply to adopt him, complete an adoption application today!