Barkley is a big baby! He is estimated at appx. 3 years old and at 13 lbs. still thinks he is a tiny kitten that can easily sit on your lap. He likes to be carried around and give hugs.
We believe he has some Siamese in his blood line because of his talkative nature, but he must be mixed with tiger, too, because he is so muscular and lean. 😉 (Of course that’s a joke.)
His beautiful orange fur coat is spotted on his sides while his legs and tail have the prettiest stripes.
This handsome boy would be fine with other low-energy kitties as he can get very excited when playing and start to play a bit rough. Because of his size, our other kitties get overwhelmed easily. He does wonderfully with lower energy cats. Oh, and he’s smart, very very smart.
If you are looking for a handsome, muscular, lean, smart, well-groomed kitty that gives kisses and cuddles, this is your man!
Barkley has been adopted!
You can see Barkley in person at the Petco in Lemon Grove located at 7128 Broadway, Lemon Grove, CA 91945.